Thursday, December 28, 2006


I went back to the dr today. My leg (the one with the lump in it) kept me awake most of the nite. That darn lump has grown about three times the size it was when I found it. At least the dr didn't laugh at me today. He couldn't believe that the other dr ( or so called dr) didn't give me something besides muscle relaxers. He thinks that I have some kind of infection in my leg. So he gave me some STRONG antibiotics that cost $5.00 per pill! And that is with a drug card. I got to take these for 10 days. If I don't see an improvement I have to go back. Then he said I would need a sonogram and he would probably send me to a surgeon for a biopsy. I hope and pray that it goes away. I sure don't need it to be anything else. They checked my white cell count and said it was fine. So they are pretty sure it is not cancer or anything like that. But they think it is awful big to be a lymph node. We will just have to wait and see. My kid got an I-Pod for Christmas. These things don't only prevent the user from hearing they hurt the hearing of anyone that is around them, too. I hope my daughter gets a good education because she will never make a living as a singer. TRUST ME!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't know what's up with your comments. Yesterday there wasn't a place to click now it's back today.

Hope it's nothing serious! Mike has a know like that and it's a cyst. He's got to have it cut out on the 11th